CASE project: Central Adriatic Seismic Experiment

The main purpose of the Central Adriatic Seismic Experiment (CASE) project is to investigate with up to date research techniques the seismicity and seismotectonics of the Central-South Adria Plate and its 3D lithosphere and upper mantle structure.
The CASE project is carried out as “AlpArray Complementary Experiment” managed by the following 4  participating institutions.

  • ETH Zürich (Department of Earth Sciences and Swiss Seismological Service, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich) represented by I. Molinari and E. Kissling (Switzerland)
  • University of Zagreb (Department of Geophysics and Croatian Seismological Service, Faculty of Science)  represented by J. Stipčević and S. Prevolnik (Croatia)
  • Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Republic of Srpska (RHMZ RS) represented by V. Šipka and Z. Božović (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia and Centro Nazionale Terremoti (Italy) represented by S. Salimbeni and S. Mazza.


Data and citation:

FDSN network code: 8X


Lead paper:

1st CASE meeting in Banja Luka (BiH) - 13/14 June 2017

The first "AlpArray-CASE meeting"took place in Banja Luka (Hotel Vidovic), 13 and 14 of June 2017.

Beside the discussions and updates about the CASE project (network, scientific project), we discussed about the open scientific questions on the Balkans structure/seismicity, what we know at the moment from a seismologic/tectonic/geologic point of view and what we could improve.
The meeting is open to all the interested scientists.

Organizers: Irene Molinari, Vesna Sipka and Josip Stipcevic.

Participants: V. Sipka, I. Molinari, J. Stipcevic, D Jaric, S. Schmid, B. Tomljenovic, M. Handy, E. Kissling, J. Stipcevic, I. Dasovic, M. Bagagli, S. Salimbeni, M. Herak, D. Herak.