Gravity research group

The gravity research group focuses on compiling a homogeneous gravity dataset across the Alpine area, on creating related gravity products and using them for various studies from small to regional to continental scales, as well as for joint inversion with other datasets.

The gravity working group is managed by Hans-Jürgen Götze, Carla Braitenberg and György Hetényi.


The first RG meeting took place on 8-9 March 2018 in Bratislava.

The second, technical RG meeting took place in Bratislava on 15-16 October 2018.

The third RG meeting took place during the EGU conference in Vienna in April 2019.

The fourth meeting of the group was held in Sopron, Hungary, on 15-16 October 2019 (see photo below).

The Gravity Working Group during the Sopron meeting.