Now the data is open, the obligation to add the AAWG as a co-author to manuscripts, papers and conference abstracts submitted after 1.4.2022 has lapsed. However, to recognize the collective effort of the past decade, it is still welcome to add the AAWG as a co-author, and it is obligatory to mention AAWG in the Acknowledgements (as before).
Publications must include as authors the active participants (those who contributed substantially to the research) followed by “and the AlpArray Working Group”. The AlpArray Seismic Network Team (full list maintained by the Core Group) will be fully listed in the acknowledgements of each publication.
Hetényi G., I. Molinari, J. Clinton et al. (2018): The AlpArray Seismic Network: a large-scale European experiment to image the Alpine orogeny. Surveys in Geophysics, 39, 1009-1033. doi:10.1007/s10712-018-9472-4 (Open Access)
Z3 data --> AlpArray Seismic Network (2015): AlpArray Seismic Network (AASN) temporary component. AlpArray Working Group. Other/Seismic Network. doi:10.12686/alparray/z3_2015
Datacite Link:
CH --> Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at ETH Zurich; (1983): National Seismic Networks of Switzerland; ETH Zürich.
IV --> INGV Seismological Data Centre. (1997). Rete Sismica Nazionale (RSN). Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy.
CZ --> Institute of Geophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (1973): Czech Regional Seismic Network. International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks. Other/Seismic Network. doi:10.7914/SN/CZ
FR --> RESIF. (1995). RESIF-RLBP French Broad-band network, RESIF-RAP strong motion network and other seismic stations in metropolitan France. RESIF - Réseau sismologique & géodésique français.
G --> Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP), & Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre de Strasbourg (EOST). (1982). GEOSCOPE, French Global Network of broad band seismic stations. Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP).
GE --> GEOFON Data Centre. (1993). GEOFON Seismic Network. Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ.
GU --> University of Genova (1967): Regional Seismic Network of North Western Italy. International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks. Other/Seismic Network. doi:10.7914/SN/GU
HU --> Kövesligethy Radó Seismological Observatory (Geodetic and Geophysical Institute, R. C. for A. and E. S., Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA CSFK GGI KRSZO)). (1992). Hungarian National Seismological Network. Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ.
U --> Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory (ASL)/USGS (1988): Global Seismograph Network (GSN - IRIS/USGS). International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks. Other/Seismic Network. doi:10.7914/SN/IU
MN --> MedNet project partner institutions. (1988). Mediterranean Very Broadband Seismographic Network (MedNet). Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy.
NI --> OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale) and University of Trieste (2002): North-East Italy Broadband Network. International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks. Other/Seismic Network. doi:10.7914/SN/NI
OX --> OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale) (2016): North-East Italy Seismic Network. International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks. Other/Seismic Network. doi:10.7914/SN/OX
RF --> University of Trieste (1993): Friuli Venezia Giulia Accelerometric Network. International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks. Other/Seismic Network. doi:10.7914/SN/RF
ST --> Geological Survey-Provincia Autonoma di Trento (1981): Trentino Seismic Network. International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks. Other/Seismic Network. doi:10.7914/SN/ST
Missing DOI: BW, CR, GR, OE, PL, RD, SX, TH.
György HETÉNYI, Rafael ABREU, Ivo ALLEGRETTI, Maria-Theresia APOLONER, Coralie AUBERT, Simon BESANÇON, Maxime BÈS DE BERC, Götz BOKELMANN, Didier BRUNEL, Marco CAPELLO, Martina ČARMAN, Adriano CAVALIERE, Jérôme CHÈZE, Claudio CHIARABBA, John CLINTON, Glenn COUGOULAT, Wayne C. CRAWFORD, Luigia CRISTIANO, Tibor CZIFRA, Ezio D’ALEMA, Stefania DANESI, Romuald DANIEL, Anke DANNOWSKI, Iva DASOVIĆ, Anne DESCHAMPS, Jean-Xavier DESSA, Cécile DOUBRE, Sven EGDORF, ETHZ-SED Electronics Lab, Tomislav FIKET, Kasper FISCHER, Wolfgang FRIEDERICH, Florian FUCHS, Sigward FUNKE, Domenico GIARDINI, Aladino GOVONI, Zoltán GRÁCZER, Gidera GRÖSCHL, Stefan HEIMERS, Ben HEIT, Davorka HERAK, Marijan HERAK, Johann HUBER, Dejan JARIĆ, Petr JEDLIČKA, Yan JIA, Hélène JUND, Edi KISSLING, Stefan KLINGEN, Bernhard KLOTZ, Petr KOLÍNSKÝ, Heidrun KOPP, Michael KORN, Josef KOTEK, Lothar KÜHNE, Krešo KUK, Dietrich LANGE, Jürgen LOOS, Sara LOVATI, Deny MALENGROS, Lucia MARGHERITI, Christophe MARON, Xavier MARTIN, Marco MASSA, Francesco MAZZARINI, Thomas MEIER, Laurent MÉTRAL, Irene MOLINARI, Milena MORETTI, Anna NARDI, Jurij PAHOR, Anne PAUL, Catherine PÉQUEGNAT, Daniel PETERSEN, Damiano PESARESI, Davide PICCININI, Claudia PIROMALLO, Thomas PLENEFISCH, Jaroslava PLOMEROVÁ, Silvia PONDRELLI, Snježan PREVOLNIK, Roman RACINE, Marc RÉGNIER, Miriam REISS, Joachim RITTER, Georg RÜMPKER, Simone SALIMBENI, Marco SANTULIN, Werner SCHERER, Sven SCHIPPKUS, Detlef SCHULTE-KORTNACK, Vesna ŠIPKA, Stefano SOLARINO, Daniele SPALLAROSSA, Kathrin SPIEKER, Josip STIPČEVIĆ, Angelo STROLLO, Bálint SÜLE, Gyöngyvér SZANYI, Eszter SZŰCS, Christine THOMAS, Martin THORWART, Frederik TILMANN, Stefan UEDING, Massimiliano VALLOCCHIA, Luděk VECSEY, René VOIGT, Joachim WASSERMANN, Zoltán WÉBER, Christian WEIDLE, Viktor WESZTERGOM, Gauthier WEYLAND, Stefan WIEMER, Felix WOLF, David WOLYNIEC, Thomas ZIEKE, Mladen ŽIVČIĆ, Helena ŽLEBČÍKOVÁ